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篇名 杜威對課程與教學問題的提示
卷期 246
並列篇名 John Dewey on the Issues in Curriculum and Instruction
作者 單文經
頁次 127-143
關鍵字 杜威教學偏差課程與教學問題遮蔽課程John Deweydeviation of instructional activitiesissues in curriculum and instructionhiding curriculum
出刊日期 201410
DOI 10.3966/168063602014100246008




This paper intended to briefly describe John Dewey’s views on the issues in curriculum and instruction by researching his work and the related literature. It was divided into nine sections. In the introductory section, that curriculum and instruction were considered as two of the trinity of school topics by Dewey was mentioned. From the second to the eighth sections, narrow views on education, the hiding curriculum problem, the antagonism between curriculum and child, the separation of curriculum and instruction, the disorganization of curriculum, the deviation of instructional activities, and the learning is inauthentic were explained one by one. In concluding section, based on Dewey’s thoughts, broadly conceived education, and curriculum and instruction, integration and coordination of child, curriculum and instruction, and curriculum reorganization and balanced instruction as means to attain the goal of the promotion of students’ authentic learning were suggested.
