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篇名 姜夔〈鷓鴣天〉篇章修辭探析
卷期 27
並列篇名 Rhetoric Investigation and Analysis on the Chapter of“ Partridge Sky ”by Jiang Kui
作者 江雅禎
頁次 101-117
關鍵字 篇章修辭姜夔鷓鴣天Rhetoric of the ChaptersJiang KuiPartridge Sky
出刊日期 201409


姜夔(1155-1221 年)詞風清新騷雅,在南宋詞壇上占有一席之地。於宋寧宗慶元 三年(1197 年)新年期間,相繼創作五首〈鷓鴣天〉寄情言志,其中所使用的藝術手法 豐富多元。本文以篇章修辭的角度觀之:開頭或採用起興渲染,委婉傳情;或對比映襯, 直抒胸臆。結尾或採用景物烘托,借景抒情;或點明題旨,加深題意;內容則波瀾起伏, 迂迴跌宕,一波三折,或擒或縱。同時,藉由豐富的技法,如白描、比擬、鋪墊、傳情…… 等來彰顯章法。藉此將白石詞含蓄蘊藉的風格細膩呈現。


Jiang Kui (A.D. 1151-1221) whose lyric style is fresh, graceful and elegant takes his place in the lyric field in the Southern Song Dynasty. During the third Qingyuan New Year of Song Ningzong (A.D. 1197), he wrote five lyrics of Partridge Sky one after another to express his emotion and aspiration which use rich and diverse artistic techniques. In this paper, to investigate these lyrics from chapter rhetorical perspective: At the beginning of lyric, to deliver the emotion via object and generate the atmosphere or to contrast with each other to forthright present his feeling. At the end, to express the motion and set off the object via scene or to indicate the subject directly to deepen its meaning.The content is full of ups and downs, twists and turns. It is sometimes compact and sometimes loose. In the meanwhile, it is used to make the art of composition prominently by utilizing profuse artistic techniques like straight forward style, analogy, detailed statement, and emotional expression. From the above investigation and analysis, it can deeply appear Jiang Kui’s implicit characteristic.
