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篇名 文化創意產業園區之「閒置空間再利用」、「群聚效應」與「周邊觀光影響」–臺中文化創意產業園區個案研究
卷期 9:1
並列篇名 Reuse of Space, Clustering Effect and The Impact of Surrounding Tourism of Cultural and Creative Industry Park - The Case Study of Taichung Cultural and Creative Industry Park
作者 潘宜萍王思琦李長斌
頁次 029-052
關鍵字 文化創意產業園區閒置空間再利用群聚效應Cultural and Creative IndustryParkReuse of SpaceClustering Effect
出刊日期 201406


近年來世界各地致力於閒置空間再利用及文化創意產業的發展,而在臺灣也積極運作中。群眾在遊覽期間,會同時從事當地的觀光消費活動,即能對當地都市的觀光活動造成長期性的影響。臺中酒廠搬遷至臺中工業區新廠之後,舊酒廠留下大片工業遺產與歷史建築,足以見證日治時期迄今的臺灣製酒產業發展歷史,於是2002年獲臺中市政府登錄為歷史建築,使得臺中酒廠舊址得以完整保留,作為臺灣文化創意產業推展基地,定位發展成臺灣建築、設計與藝術展演中心。 本研究計畫主要探討臺中市文化創意園區,以閒置空間再利用與群聚效應為主軸,並根據本研究的目的、探討的意涵,及實際需求,使用質性方法來討論及了解臺中市文創園區對於周遭居民、店家造成的正負面影響及觀感。為使研究客觀中立,本研究採用文獻法、訪談法與參與觀察法形成三角檢定,以降低研究本身之主觀程度。 本研究發現民眾與店家對於臺中文創園區之閒置空間再利用的實際成果是認同與肯定的,但在行銷推廣上需要更強而有力的方針,以改善群聚效應無法彰顯的原因。利弊部分,附近民眾以及店家均表示,雖然園區每到假日停車位供不應求,造成交通亂象,但對於臺中文創園區的開放與周邊觀光活動之影響是正面的,利多於弊。 建議日後研究者探討此類議題時,能夠增加不同類別之訪問對象,可避免單一類別對象所提供的資料有所限制,如「遊客」。另行政院文化建設委員會將臺灣規劃五大文創園區,本研究以「臺中文創園區」為例,建議日後研究者能夠以五大文創園區相互比較,以多數個案做討論。


In recent years, there has been a global trend in the reuse of space and the development of cultural and creative industries; Taiwan is currently trying to follow suit with this global trend. Many people from different regions and countries will be simultaneously engaged in a variety of local tourism activities. Governments are beginning to realize the importance of cultural and creative industry development, thus promoting the "Creative Taiwan - Cultural and Creative Industry Development Plan". It's main objective was to develop cultural and creative industries to help satisfy growing industry needs. One aspect is to consider the potential advantages of developing such an industry in Taiwan. In Taiwan there are five main cultural industry zones, they are located in Taipei, Taichung, Chiayi , Tainan, Hualien and Taichung City. This project focuses on the use and misuse of space for cultural development. Specifically, there is the use of qualitative methods, including the three ways literature analysis, interviews, field observation to learn understand the cultural and creative surroundings of Taichung City residents. Suggest that researcher can compare with 5 main industry zone, discuss with different cases, maybe can know the difference, no matter misuse of the space, qualitative Methods even the direction of the business, there are the comparison table.
