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篇名 兩岸半導體產業消長因素探究:兼論台灣廠商因應之道
卷期 11
並列篇名 Research on the Factors Affecting the Semiconductor Industry in Taiwan and China: A Strategic Suggestion for Taiwanese Companies
作者 曹淑琳
頁次 131-152
關鍵字 半導體產業外移灰色預測模型semi-conductorindustry relocationgrey prediction model
出刊日期 201406
DOI 10.3966/181147172014060011006


根據IC Insights公司的報導,台灣在2011年已經躍居全球最大半導體生產國,首次超越日本與韓國;而中國也超過歐洲,擠進世界前五大。中國之所以能崛起,除了有龐大且成長中的市場外,台灣廠商的技術與人力也貢獻良多。台灣雖然有完整的產業鏈與優異的製造能力,但隨著中國經濟成長所產生的強力吸磁,也對台灣的半導體產業形成產業外移的致命吸引力。本研究主要以要素稟賦理論及勞工工資理論進行分析,輔以產業分析與企業員工訪談,深入了解半導體產業在兩岸的發展背景與消長的原因,並且利用灰色預測模型推估海峽兩岸在2013年與2014年的半導體產值,驗證彼長我消的情形,以作為產業與政府之參考,並兼論台灣廠商因應之道。本研究結果顯示,半導體產業在兩岸確實已呈彼長我消的現象,台灣半導體業者應該要充分利用本身已具備的優勢,將專業升級,政府也要創造優質的投資環境,為台灣半導體產業另創新的全球領先地位。


According to the report of IC insights, which reported that Taiwan ranked no.1 in the world, as the most important country of semi-conductor industry production in 2011. IC insights is a company that leading semi-conductor market research. It was the first time that Taiwan had overtaken Japan and South Korea. In the same year, China also ranked in the top 5 in the world first time. In addition to the world's large and expanding semi-conductor market, the manufacturing technology and human resources of Taiwanese companies have contributed to China's rise in semi-conductor industry. Semiconductor companies in Taiwan might still consider moving to China because of lower cost production conditions and the cluster effect in China though Taiwan's semi-conductor industrial supplied-chain is well-established and its manufacturing capability is excellent. This paper intends to find out the factors affecting the development of semi-conductor industry in Taiwan and China. The Factor Endowment Theory and Wage Theory were applied to analyze the situation in this paper. This paper also conducted interviews with corporate staff. In addition, a grey prediction model was created to estimate the output value of semi-conductors for Taiwan and China in 2013 and 2014. The estimation shows that the production rate of semi-conductor industry is on the rise in China and on the decline in Taiwan. This paper suggests Taiwanese companies should access existing manufacturing advantages to upgrade their equipment and human resources. A high level of investment on the part of the Taiwanese government is also required to help semi-conductor companies in Taiwan soar to a new height.
