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篇名 景岳全書婦人規經痛治病思想及處方用藥特點
卷期 16:3
並列篇名 The Thoughts of Dysmenorrhea Treatment and Prescription and Medicinal Character by Fu Re Gui from Jing-Yue’s Complete Compendium
作者 陳貞如陳建仲王人澍
頁次 011-016
關鍵字 景岳全書婦人規虛證經痛氣血不足脾腎虛寒Jing-Yue’s Complete CompendiumFu- Re Guivacuity patternInsufficiency of Qi and BloodSpleen-Kidney Vacuity Cold
出刊日期 201409


明朝《景岳全書‧ 婦人規》經痛治病思想,分實證經痛與虛證經痛兩種,其經痛特點,實證經痛多痛於月經未行之前,經通而病痛自減;虛證經痛,乃月經既行之後,血去而痛未止,或血去而痛益甚。其臨床經驗,虛證經痛的病例多,而實證經痛的病例少,故重視虛證經痛的治療。景岳認為虛證經痛由素稟氣血不足或先天陽氣不足引起,主張用八珍湯或大營煎調治,另外脾腎虛寒的病證,用理陰煎,而主要用藥以當歸熟地為主,當歸合熟地能促進血紅素和紅血球的生成,具補血作用。


The disease treatment of thought for woman dysmenorrhea was divided repletion pattern type and vacuity pattern type from Fu Re Gui of Jing-Yue’s Complete Compendium (1624) in Ming dynasty. The character of repletion pattern dysmenorrhea was most attack at before of menstruation, whereas dysmenorrhea relieved at menstrual period. The character of vacuity pattern dysmenorrhea was occurred at menstrual period, even the pain advanced. The clinic experiences by Jing-Yue, the patients of vacuity pattern dysmenorrhea were more than repletion pattern dysmenorrhea. So, he appreciated treatment for vacuity pattern dysmenorrhea. The medical thought of Jing-Yue, vacuity pattern dysmenorrhea was cause by congenital insufficiency of qi and blood or yang qi. He used formula treatment of Eight-Gem Decoction or Major Construction Brew. On the other hand, He gave Yin-Rectifying Brew to treat spleenkidney vacuity cold of disease pattern. The main drugs of Chinese Medicinal were Chinese Angelica and and Cooked Rehmannia. The Chinese Angelica used combined with Cooked Rehmannia had an effect of supplement the blood which could promote synthesis of erythrocyte and hemoglobin.
