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篇名 超越四向度:六向度目標導向模式之驗證與分析
卷期 46:1
並列篇名 Beyond 4 Dimensions: The verification and analysis of the 6-dimensional goal orientation model
作者 林宴瑛程炳林
頁次 117-140
關鍵字 目標導向考試情緒課室目標結構競爭模式classroom goal structurecompetitive modelgoal orientationtest emotionTSSCIScopus
出刊日期 201409
DOI 10.6251/BEP.20140120




A 6-dimensional goal orientation model has been recently proposed with three types of references (i.e., task/self/other) and two focuses (i.e., approach/avoidance): task-approach, self-approach, other-approach, task-avoidance, self-avoidance, and other-avoidance. This study was an attempt to test a confirmatory factor analysis model of the 6-dimensional goal orientation theory by using structural equation modeling (SEM) and model comparison approach. Furthermore, the relationships of these goal orientations with classroom goal structures and test emotions were tested. The participants were 722 junior high school students. The theoretical model fitted the observed data well, supporting the 6-dimensional goal orientation theory. The results of this study also showed that the 6 goals were associated with classroom goal structures and test emotions. In terms of classroom goal structures, the approach mastery goal structure most strongly and positively predicted the task-approach goal and self-approach goal; the avoidance mastery goal structure most strongly and positively predicted the task-avoidance goal and self-avoidance goal; the approach performance goal structure most strongly and positively predicted the other-approach goal; and the avoidance performance goal structure most strongly and positively predicted the other-avoidance goal. In terms of test emotions, approach goals positively predicted the positive test emotions and negatively predicted the negative test emotions; conversely, avoidance goals negatively predicted the positive test emotions and positively predicted the negative test emotions. The implications for this theory and future research were discussed.
