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篇名 臺大實驗林溪頭自然教育園區有毒鱗翅目調查
卷期 27:1=279
並列篇名 Inventory of Venomous Moth (Insecta: Lepidoptera) in Xitou Nature Education Area, Experimental Forest, National Taiwan University
作者 陳陽發王亞男徐堉峰楊平世
頁次 077-083
關鍵字 溪頭自然教育有毒鱗翅目森林遊憩Xitounatural educationvenomous mothforest recreation
出刊日期 201303


有毒鱗翅目為可分泌有毒物質或是體表具有成叢的毒毛 (poisonous hair) 或剛毛 (setae) 的蛾類幼蟲,通常能夠取食多種植物葉片且分布範圍較廣。溪頭自然教育園區為臺灣知名森林遊樂及自然教育場所,每年有大量遊客入園。為瞭解溪頭自然教育園區內有毒蛾類種類及分布範圍,本研究自2012年1月至11月進行園區內有毒鱗翅目調查。共發現有毒鱗翅目5科13種,包括枯葉蛾科1種、帶蛾科1種、刺蛾科1種、斑蛾科2種、裳蛾科毒蛾亞科8種。期望調查資料可作為園區經營管理之生態基礎資料參考,並作為生態環境教育推廣材料,期望遊客可對有毒鱗翅目有更清楚瞭解,避免遊客在園區內不慎遭受有毒蛾類螫刺而影響森林遊憩觀感。文末並整理溪頭自然教育園區內最常見八種有毒蛾類幼蟲照片、基礎生物學介紹。


Venomous moth or urticating caterpillar is a group of moth larvae, which can secrete the toxins, or have poisonous hair or setae on the surface of their body. Xitou Nature Education Area (XNEA), Experimental Forest, National Taiwan University is one of the most famous forest recreation areas and nature education areas in Taiwan. In order to have a better understanding about different species of venomous moths and their distribution in XNEA, authors conducted a field research during January to November 2012. A total of 13 species belonging to 5 different families have been found including 1 species of Lasiocampidae, 1 species of Eupterotidae, 1 species of Limacodidae, 2 species of Zygaenidae and 8 species of Lymantriinae, Erebidae. The purpose of this study is to provide fundamental ecological information in XNEA that might contribute to manage and operate this area. In addition, this study could further provide materials for environmental education helping tourists to have better understanding in urticating caterpillar. Therefore tourists may face low risk to get hurt by the venomous moths that could probably affect their pleasure. At the end of this study, the larvae photos of eight popular venomous moth species and a basic biology introduction are attached.
