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篇名 臺灣特殊教育綜論(三):挑戰與展望
卷期 132
並列篇名 An Overview of Special Education in Taiwan (III): Challenges and Perspectives
作者 吳武典
頁次 001-008
關鍵字 特殊教育無障礙環境身心障礙兒童資優教育師資融合教育special educationchildren with disabilitiesbarrier-free environmentgifted education teacherinclusive education
出刊日期 201409
DOI 10.6217/SEQ.2014.132.1-8




Special education in Taiwan have been expanded and improved considerably in past decades. However, there are emerging issues and challenges that need to be addressed. In the meantime, the author identifies 10 challenges and 10 suggestions for future development. The challenges include extending free special education for the children with disabilities as young as two years old, strengthening support system and creating barrier-free educational environment, enhancing gifted education teacher’s qualification and expertise, and promoting inclusive education programs, etc. The suggestions include applying multiple and flexible placement approach, adopting differentiated curriculum and instruction, and trying innovative model of special education, such as the “focal school”, for instance. We can expect that special education in Taiwan will become a more normalized experience for all special needs children, and it will be improved to ensure each of special needs children a truly equal opportunity of education and future success in adulthood.
