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篇名 學習障礙學生之認知抑制能力探究
卷期 132
並列篇名 Cognitive Inhibition Abilities of Students with Learning Disabilities
作者 王立志楊憲明
頁次 009-015
關鍵字 學習障礙認知抑制Learning disabilitiesCognitive inhibition
出刊日期 201409
DOI 10.6217/SEQ.2014.132.9-15




The present paper discussed the fundamental theories of cognitive inhibition and the effect of cognitive inhibition to human’s learning at first and analyzed the relevant studies about cognitive inhibition deficit of students with learning disabilities. Two kinds of results came out: reading disabled students were significantly worse than typical developing students and mathematics disabled students, and mathematics disabled students significantly worse than typical developing students and reading disabled students. The inconsistent results made the deeper investigation of this issue, and classifying cognitive inhibition tasks in all relevant studies as language type and non-language type which was consistent to the inconsistent results above. In addition, lack of the relevant studies in Chinese language countries was another important point in this issue.
