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篇名 輔助科技棄用現象探討與結果研究介紹
卷期 132
並列篇名 An Exploration into the Phenomenon of Assistive Technology Abandonment and Outcome Research
作者 黃宜君
頁次 027-036
關鍵字 輔助科技結果研究棄用輔具使用assistive technologyoutcome researchabandonmentdevice use
出刊日期 201409
DOI 10.6217/SEQ.2014.132.27-36




In recent years, due to advances in technology, the types of assistive device and the number of people owning assistive devices have gradually increased. However, several studies indicate that the number of people who possess assistive devices far exceeds the number of people who actually use them. The emerging phenomenon of device abandonment stresses the importance of assistive technology outcome research in order to understand device users’ needs in their everyday usage and maximize the benefit of assistive technology intervention. This study aimed to provide an account of assistive technology outcome research. The author firstly summarized studies concerning device abandonment rate and then explored the reasons influencing device use or non-use. Finally, the important conceptual models in the field of outcome research were introduced.
