
技術學刊 EIScopus

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篇名 竹子生物炭碳化溫度對於玉米及小麥發芽與生長速率的影響
卷期 29:4
並列篇名 Effects of Pyrolization Temperature of Bamboo Biochars on the Germination and Growth Rates of Zea Maize L. and Brassica
作者 歐蒂娣黃武章黃盈賓
頁次 239-249
關鍵字 生物炭環境竹子竹炭劣解溫度biocharenvironmentbamboobamboo biocharpyrolyzationtemperaturesEIScopusTSCI
出刊日期 201412


儘管有學者質疑生物炭的廣範應用會阻礙了森林砍伐的功能。本文主旨在 於利用廢棄生物質,並提出了一個在較高的範圍內或在一個工業化生產的方式 下,以免去廢棄物對於環境威脅和處理不當導致的毀林。我們認為對於地球, 應該有一個可持續的共生與環境的關係,採取雙重使用竹子是一個聰明的選 擇,特別是對於那些只要利潤,而不傷害任何生態系統的生物炭行業。本研究 的主要目的是調查竹子生物炭的潛在能力,及其影響食用作物 (玉米及小麥) 的發芽和生長。總之在這項研究中所使用的竹子生物炭四個碳化溫度 (240ºC,300ºC,600ºC和700ºC),小麥種子發芽率以50%的240ºC和300ºC的 應用較好,而600ºC和700ºC竹子生物炭測定條件下,則發現為抑制發芽率最 高 (100%)。


Even though biochar discourages deforestation and aims to use waste biomass, producing it at a high scale or in an industrialized manner presents a significant threaten for the environment and can lead to deforestation. There should be a sustainable and symbiotic relationship with the environment, giving to the earth double what we take from her. The use of bamboo wood is a smart option for those industries that want to transform biochar into a profit without harming the ecosystem. The main objectives of this study are to investigate the potential capability of bamboo biochar to affect germination and growth of edible crops. In conclusion, the four temperatures (240ºC, 300ºC, 600ºC and 700ºC) of bamboo biochars used in this study generally increased wheat seed germination at rates of application of 50% for 240ºC and 300ºC biochars; while 600ºC and 700ºC biochars tended to inhibit germination at the highest rate of application (100%) under the bioassay conditions.
