
技術學刊 EIScopus

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篇名 美工刀設計關鍵因素之研究
卷期 29:4
並列篇名 The Study of Critical Factors of Utility Knives Design
作者 劉伯祥林裕仁陳佩憶
頁次 251-258
關鍵字 層級分析法需求關鍵因素消費者行為AHPkey factors of demandconsumer behavior.EIScopusTSCI
出刊日期 201412


本研究之目的為探討消費者對選購市售美工刀的需求關鍵因素,採用層級 分析法進行關鍵因素之權重排序。並且建立了使用者的需求關鍵因素層級架 構,共有7 項構面,17 項關鍵因素。進一步,針對消費者進行問卷調查,探 討消費者對市售美工刀的需求,瞭解選購時會考量哪些因素。將問卷回收後以 SPSS統計軟體分析,並且運用層級分析法 (AHP) 計算構面、關鍵因素、整體 權重和排序,最後可得知消費者最為重視選購美工刀之關鍵因素權重排序。從 層級分析法計算結果得知,7項構面中一般型美工刀為消費者最佳選擇,且消 費者最重視因素排序前三項為「舒適度」、「價格」與「收納方便性」三項構面。 本研究所得到之結果,可提供產業界研發改良美工刀設計與量產的重要依據。


The purpose of this study is to explore crucial factors in knife selection. The analytic hierarchy process (AHP) was applied to sort priority in choice factors. The process of the present study was through literature review, questionnaire survey and the establishment of a key factor in the hierarchical structure of user needs. A total of seven dimensions and 17 key factors were evaluated. After questionnaire survey, code and analysis were conducted by SPSS statistical software. Further analysis, calculating the overall weight of key factors and sorting was carried out by Analytic Hierarchy Process. Analysis results showed that the optimal choice was “general knife” and “comfortable level”, “price” and
