
技術學刊 EIScopus

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篇名 以互動式遊戲作為動作協調障礙兒童平衡能力復健輔具之探究
卷期 29:4
並列篇名 Rehabilitation Effectiveness of Interactive Video Games for Children with Motor Coordination Disorders
作者 葉玉玲侯東旭張文燕
頁次 259-267
關鍵字 動作協調障礙平衡訓練互動式遊戲復健輔具motor coordination disordersbalance traininginteractive video gamesrehabilitation assistive devicesEIScopusTSCI
出刊日期 201412


本研究結合Wii及WiiFit平衡板對於平衡能力不佳的動作協調障礙兒 童進行復健輔具之探究,藉此了解休閒性遊戲其於動作協調中平衡能力是否有 所助益。本研究以對照實驗方式進行12 週實驗,20 位受試者年齡介於4-8 歲 且被診斷為平衡能力不佳,目前於彰化縣員生醫院接受復健治療,隨機且平均 配置於實驗與對照組。實驗組利用WiiFit平衡遊戲,對照組則以傳統交叉互 踢球作為平衡能力復健輔具。透過單腳站立、單腳跳、腳跟接腳尖走8 呎與腳 尖走直線10 呎等四檢測項進行平衡能力評量。研究結果發現,兩組受試者在 不同輔具操作上,平衡能力顯著提昇。四檢測項中,兩組受試者在單腳站與單 腳跳上同樣有顯著進步;而在腳跟接著腳尖走8 呎及腳尖走直線10 呎,實驗 組受試者較對照組平衡能力較佳。綜觀於此,動作協調障礙兒童使用WiiFit 著實能提昇平衡能力,也對兒童穩定自我重心能力有所助益。


This study investigated whether interactive video games bring benefit balance to the rehabilitation of children with motor coordination disorders using WiiFit and Wii Balance Board in a control-experiment design for 12 weeks. Twenty participants aged 4-8 diagnosed with poor balance due to motor coordination disorders were receiving rehabilitation therapy at Yuan Sheng Hospital in Changhua County. They were evenly divided into the experimental group and control group at random. The WiiFit balance games were administered to the experimental group, while the conventional cross football passing was administered to the control group. Four items including single leg stance, single leg hop, tandem gait for 8 feet, and walking on toes for 10 feet were designed for the balance training posttest. The test found that both groups made significant progress in the single leg stance and single leg hop items; while the experimental group had better performance in the tandem gait and walking on toes items. This study thus concluded that interactive video games such as the WiiFit can improve the balance ability of children with motor coordination disorders and help them maintain center of gravity.
