
技術學刊 EIScopus

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篇名 創新的人體運動擷取資料之整流技術
卷期 29:4
並列篇名 A Novel Technique for Fairing Human Motion Capture Data
作者 蔡明俊龍學勇
頁次 269-279
關鍵字 運動擷取運動擷取資料整流人體模型motion capturemotion fairinghuman modelEIScopusTSCI
出刊日期 201412




An intelligent 3D body motion processing system is developed to tackle many existing human body motion data processing problems. A novel dual-mode optical 3D locater integrates body scanning and motion capturing functions into one unit that solves the personalized body model creation, marker labeling, and marker-model registration problems. A mesh-structured digital human model is created from the scanned data. Body links are segmented and the dynamic properties of the body are computed very accurately to replicate personalized motions for demanding tasks. An algorithm encodes 3D body motions into an image format, called the body motion staff. The staff can be encoded into any resolution and manipulated by motion fairing using available image processing techniques.
