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篇名 日常敘事中台灣閩南語短時義時段詞的用法
卷期 10
並列篇名 The Usage of Taiwan Southern Min Temporal Words Meaning a Short Period in Daily Narratives
作者 鄭縈
頁次 027-059
關鍵字 時段詞語料庫構詞形式語義發展句法分布temporal wordscorpusmorphological formsemantic developmentsyntactic distribution
出刊日期 201410
DOI 10.6242/twnica.10.2




Temporal words with the meaning of a short period refer to those which occupy a short period in the time span. In Taiwan Southern Min dialects such words include “tsit e (a), tsit si (a), tsit kun (a), tsit mah nih (a)” etc., and they share the same morphological form “tsit+X+(a)”. This essay explores the semantic features and syntactic distributions of these temporal words in daily narratives based on the analysis of the corpus. The analysis shows that these temporal words from different origins have different syntactic distributions and semantic development; “tsit+X” with the diminutive “-a” and the one without “-a” appear in “VP+ tsit X, VP+ tsit X” and “tsit X a+VP, tsit X a +VP”, respectively, and the lexicalization of “tsue + tsit+X+(a)” or “tsit+X+(a)+ku” is still restricted by their original meaning.
