
調查研究-方法與應用 TSSCI

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篇名 台灣民眾對基因改造產品之接受度:一般化行為模式之提出及驗證
卷期 30
並列篇名 Modelling and Examining Consumer Attitudes toward Genetically Modified Products in Taiwan Using a Generalized Behavior Framework
作者 傅祖壇盧淑芫黃美瑛
頁次 097-127
關鍵字 基因改造產品台灣民眾接受度中介效果genetically modified productTaiwanconsumer acceptancemediating effectTSSCI
出刊日期 201310




This paper intends to investigate the behavior of Taiwanese consumer attitudes toward genetically modified products. We develop a generalized framework and empirically examine such consumer behavior in Taiwan. Our results find that the indirect-effect model with mediating variables explains Taiwanese acceptance of genetically modified products better than the direct-effect model does. The mediating variables such as perceived risk and perceived benefit play a vital role in explaining the influences of consumer attitudes toward nature and the environment, knowledge of genomic technology, and trust toward institutions and governments on the acceptance of genetically modified products. We also find that the important factors underlying such acceptance behavior may vary by genetically modified product.
