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篇名 太陽花學運干教育/教師底事?一位師資培育者/教育研究者的反思
卷期 249
並列篇名 Does the Sunflower Student Movement have Anything to do with Education/ Teachers? A Reflection From a Teacher Educator and Education Researcher
作者 楊巧玲
頁次 041-058
關鍵字 女性主義教育學太陽花學運批判教育學師資培育教育研究質性研究feminist pedagogySunflower Student Movementcritical pedagogyteacher educationeducation researchqualitative research
出刊日期 201501
DOI 10.3966/168063602015010249004




This article aims to discuss the relationship between the Sunflower Student Movement and education in general and teachers in particular. Borrowing what Barry Kanpol calls “personal and institutional confession”, the author first recalls how she was involved in the movement and how the academia reacted in order to make sense of how she herself becomes part of the event. Then she draws upon a 3C perspective of each of three courses she teaches to reflect on the educational implication of the Sunflower Student Movement.
