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篇名 在英國教育中的真誠領導:學院教師給予的啟示(上)
卷期 249
並列篇名 Authentic Leadership in English Education: What Do College Teachers Tell Us?
作者 何佳瑞
頁次 108-121
關鍵字 中六學院校長行為真誠領導Sixth Form Collegeprincipal behavioursauthentic leadership
出刊日期 201501
DOI 10.3966/168063602015010249008


目的:本文的目的是研究調查關於真誠領導行為在中六學院(Sixth Form College/ SFC)1中受到校長感知的普遍程度。本研究比較了四種機構領導的模型,考察了哪一種模型被教師視為是在日常實踐中最常見的,同時也將觸及到在當代教育領導中的價值關聯。
設計/方法/進路:研究方法採用了混合型方法、結構型問卷,以及和參與者共構會談(coconstructed conversations)的方式,引出教師們的觀點。本研究共有53位教師參與,他們來自於五所散布於英國各地的中六學院。
研究發現:本研究所產出的研究結果顯示,中六學院的校長們執行交易式行為(transactional behaviours)的頻繁程度遠遠超過了那些關聯於轉換式的(transformational)、分布式的(distributed)或真誠的(authentic)領導模型的行為。此研究結果可以透過中六學院日益增加之競爭壓力以及不公平的教育市場等現象,而獲得解釋。簡而言之,校長們以一種實用主義的、工具的方式來行動,以求達到他們的短期性目標。
原創性/價值:此項工作是在先前關於中六學院之僕人式領導(servant leadership)的基礎上進行的研究,中六學院是英國教育系統的一個部分,但是,學術性研究的文獻卻很少涵蓋到它,因為大部分的文獻都傾向於對較大的中學或是一般擴充教育部門進行研究。由此,本文對於未來後續的相關研究提供了一個有益的起始點。


Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to report on an investigation into the perceived prevalence of authentic leadership behaviours in Sixth Form College (SFC) Principals. This research compares four different models of institutional leadership and considers which are viewed by teachers as the more common in daily practice. In doing so, the research will also touch upon the relevance of values in contemporary educational leadership.
Design/methodology/approach – The research methodology adopted a mixed methods approach that elicited the views of teachers using a structured questionnaire approach together with coconstructed conversations with participants. The research involved 53 teachers from five SFCs spread across England.
Findings – The findings generated from this research exercise suggest that college Principals exhibit transactional behaviours far more often than those actions associated with either transformational, distributed or authentic leadership models. This outcome may be explained in terms of the pressures acting on SFCs in an increasingly competitive and uneven education market. In short, Principals act pragmatically and instrumentally to achieve their short-term goals.
Originality/value – This work follows on from previous research into servant leadership in the SFC sector. This is a sector of the English education system that attracts little coverage in the academic literature as research tends to be undertaken in the much larger schools or General Further Education sectors. Given this context, the paper represents an useful starting point for further research.
