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篇名 談「國際文憑中學課程」
卷期 249
並列篇名 A Study on the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme IBMYP
作者 王秋萍
頁次 122-136
關鍵字 中學文憑課程國際文憑中學課程國際文憑組織教育改革雙語教育middle school curriculumInternational Baccalaureate Middle Years ProgrammeInternational Baccalaureate Organizationpedagogical reformbilingual education
出刊日期 201501
DOI 10.3966/168063602015010249009


本文重點在說明如能導入國際文憑大學預科課程,將對臺灣教育體系有所裨益,進而介紹此一全球認可之中學課程的八個學科組和修業規範,並帶入成績評量和考試流程,然後引介幾個國外體制內學校以不同的形式和國際文憑組織合作的學校導入課程的範例,尤其2014年導入的新課程內容更被國際文憑組織(International Baccalaureate Organization, IBO)宣布為推出45年來最具雄心壯志的重新設計,值得臺灣注意。


The International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme (IBMYP) is a programme of international education designed for students aged 11 to 16. It was launched in 1994 and provides a framework of interdisciplinary as well as transdisciplinar learning that encourages students to become creative, critical and reflective thinkers as well as emphasizes intellectual challenge, motivating students to make connections between their studies in traditional subjects and the real world. It also fosters the development of skills for communication, intercultural understanding and global engagement - essential qualities for young people who are becoming global leaders.
This paper sets its focus on the benefits of adopting the IBMYP in Taiwan. It begins with an introduction of its eight subject groups and the different courses offered according to the curricula; then looks into the framework of the exam approach and assessments criteria. This study also illustrates several IB world schools, which provide the IBMYP in various countries and work in partnership with the IBO.
The IBMYP builds upon knowledge; skills, attitudes and prepares students to meet the academic challenges of the IB Diploma Programme (IBDP) and the IB Careerrelated Certificate (IBCC). It is flexible, can accommodate most national or local curriculum requirements, and is practicingits most ambitious programme redesign in the IB's 45 year history since this year (2014).With these characteristics, especially on the grounds of local language adaptions (Chinese can be the communication language at school in this stage), it is hoped that our middle school system could integrate with the international educational community easier in the near future. Through this study we anticipate more discussion about IB MYP programmes in Taiwanese academic circles and believe that more IB state founded schools will set up in Taiwan in the coming years.
