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篇名 民主社會的共識培養
卷期 249
並列篇名 The Formation of Social Consensus in Democratic Society
作者 但昭偉蔡逸珮
頁次 005-016
關鍵字 Dewey民主社會共識哈佛報告書Deweydemocracysocial consensusHarvard report
出刊日期 201501
DOI 10.3966/168063602015010249001




Taiwan is a newly emergent democracy. It is pointed out by the authors of this essay that Taiwan, as a new democracy, is now facing one major difficulty that many democracies in the West have had in the past, namely, the lack of social consensus. The authors therefore suggest that people who are concerned about Taiwan’s democracy may look back the history of those democracies that had the similar problem and learn how these democracies dealt with the difficulty mentioned. Two democracies, the 18 century Scotland and the United States, are taken as examples which had experiences in tackling the issues mentioned by means of education. The suggestions made by A. Macintyre, John Dewey and a group of Harvard faculty after the second world war are invoked from the perspective of providing possible strategies for building up social consensus that is much need by Taiwan. The essay is divided into five sections. In the first section, the authors spell out the reasons why Taiwan is divided socially and politically any why we should pay attention to the issue of the lack of social consensus. From sections 2-4, the ideas of Macintyre, John Dewey and the authors of Harvard Report are introduced respectively with the aim of drawing possible lessons for the formation of social consensus by educational means. In the final section, some concrete suggestions are made as far as Taiwan’s particular situation is concerned.
