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篇名 服務學習對大學生的生命意義探究暨影響因素之研究
卷期 249
並列篇名 A Study on the Exploration of the Meaning of Life and Affecting Factors of a Service Learning Course for the University Students
作者 羅廷瑛
頁次 078-094
關鍵字 大學生生命意義老榮民服務學習university studentsmeaning of lifesenior veteransservice learning
出刊日期 201501
DOI 10.3966/168063602015010249006




The purpose was to describe how university students explore the meaning of life through service learning and understand the affecting factors. Action research was adopted in the study. There were twenty university students attending to the course. The researcher integrated the service into to a professional course to guide who attended the university students to design the service program to apply the psychosocial development in the elderly to assist the senior veterans to integrate the meaning of life. The life meaning writing sheet, service journal, the service diary were gathered for qualitative analysis.
The result showed that the university students explored from negative and low meaning of life through positive and high meaning in the course. The influencing factors on the course included to insight to appreciate important person of life and the shock and learning for senior veterans’ meaning of life and reconstruct the positive understanding to elderly people.
