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篇名 安頓、安居、安身立命:地方教育學與社會議題的課程實踐
卷期 249
並列篇名 Dwelling, Inhabiting, and Settlement: Place Pedagogy and Curricular Practice of Social Issues
作者 洪如玉
頁次 095-107
關鍵字 地方地方本位教育地方教育學社會議題placeplace-based educationplace pedagogysocial issues
出刊日期 201501
DOI 10.3966/168063602015010249007




This paper aims to argue for the significance of the concept of place and the meanings of place pedagogy or place-based education. It is divided into three parts: the first part explains the meaning of the concept of place, the similarities and dissimilarities between place pedagogy and other related approaches to education and the relationship between the place and education; the second presents an account of the meanings of the emplaced practice in relation to social issues; and the third part makes clear about the principle of implementing place pedagogy and curriculum by introducing an example of outline of place-based curriculum in New Zealand. The overall exploration may provide inspirations for researchers and practitioners who are interested in place pedagogy in the future.
