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篇名 從情緒及抑制控制觀點來探討衝動與預謀型暴力行為的神經機制
卷期 249
並列篇名 Combining Emotional Information and Inhibitory Control Measurement to Investigate the Neural Mechanisms of Impulsive and Premeditated Violent Behavior
作者 陳巧雲
頁次 059-077
關鍵字 抑制控制機制腦波預謀型暴力行為衝動型暴力行為inhibitory controlbrain wavepremeditated violent behaviorimpulsive violent behavior
出刊日期 201501
DOI 10.3966/168063602015010249005




Among the many types of possible crimes, violent offenses in particular can pose serious problems and dangers to society. Here, the mechanisms of violent behavior, inhibitory control, and the neural circuits related to impulsive and premeditated violent behaviors are demonstrated. Previous studies providing psychophysiological indices related to emotion and inhibitory control processing in impulsive violent adult offenders and adolescents are also described. Data obtained suggest that emotion and inhibition tasks may offer an objective measure of assessment in violent populations. These tasks may prove to be diagnostic in identifying the risk of violence or the efficacy of treatment interventions in violent offenders. The neurocognitive methods used will allow us to better understand impulsive and premeditated violent behavior and to identify individuals that are at risk of committing violent crimes as well as providing a set of tasks appropriate to help solve the problems caused by violent offenses.
