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篇名 從太陽花學運論公民不服從
卷期 249
並列篇名 Civil Disobedience and the Sunflower Student Movement
作者 林火旺
頁次 017-030
關鍵字 公民不服從正當性正義合法性審議民主civil disobediencelegitimacyjusticelegalitydeliberative democracy
出刊日期 201501
DOI 10.3966/168063602015010249002




In March 2014, thousands of students broke into and occupied the Legislative Yuan, Taiwan’s Parliament, in protest of the non-transparent process the controversial trade agreement with China. The government condemned the sit-in, later named the “Sunflower Student Movement,” as illegal and should not be allowed in a democratic society, while the movement supporters argued that it is legitimate as an act of civil disobedience. The problematic of this paper is hence to use the Sunflower Student Movement as a case study to explore the meaning and limits of illegal actions in a liberal constitutional state. No existing constitutional democratic states are perfect concerning their laws and policies. There is a significant difference between the notions of legality and legitimacy to justify the act of civil disobedience. Some adequate and constrained actions to refuse obeying certain laws can be justified sometimes. As some might argue, they are even necessary components of a mature democracy. By analyzing the definition and justification of the notion of civil disobedience, this article will evaluate the reasonableness of the Sunflower students movement.
