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篇名 重新定義人生勝利組:為社會與地方服務的價值觀
卷期 249
並列篇名 Redefining Life Winners: Values of Contribution to the Society and Place
作者 吳幸玲
頁次 031-040
關鍵字 人生勝利組互惠升學主義多元價值自利winnerreciprocityeducation fanaticismvalue pluralismegotism
出刊日期 201501
DOI 10.3966/168063602015010249003




By way of analyzing famous social accident and some investigation, this report discusses the serious problems resulting from single value under the education fanaticism, which include the egotism and the lacking of speculation and spirit of exploration. Also, this paper tries to link the world trend and the value pluralism. As the result of the capitalism globalization, huge disparity between rich and poor makes young people feel angry and disappointed. This report demonstrates possibilities to helping young people have a good life by way of redefining Life Winners and focusing on reciprocity instead of egotism.
