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篇名 逐步第一失敗設限品質績效評估系統
卷期 4:1
並列篇名 The Quality Performance Assessment System of Products with Progressive First-Failure-Censored Sampling
作者 洪清文吳忠武李汶娟張恆巍鄭伯偉陳彥臻邱冠欣陳彥志
頁次 091-112
關鍵字 品質績效評估系統韋伯分配逐步第一失敗設限抽樣方案壽命績效指標製程能力分析quality performance assessment systemWeibull distributionprogressive first-failure-censored sampling planlifetime performance indexprocess capability analysis
出刊日期 201405
DOI 10.3966/222369612014050401006




Process capability analysis has been widely applied in the field of quality control to monitor the performance of industrial processes. In practice, lifetime performance index CL is a popular means to assess quality performance, where L is the lower specification limit. Most capability indices assume that the quality characteristic has a normal distribution. Nevertheless, many products possess a non-normal lifetime model, for example, the Weibull distribution has used extensively in reliability engineering as a model of time to failure for electrical and mechanical components and systems. Moreover, in life testing experiments, the experimenter may not always be in a position to observe the life times of all the products (or items) put on test. This may be because of time limitation and/or other restrictions (such as money, material resources, mechanical or experimental difficulties, etc.) on data collection. Therefore, censored samples may arise in practice. Nevertheless the lifetime of some products is quite long and at risk (for example break accidentally) must be removed from the experiment. So the progressive first-failure-censored sampling plan is proposed in the plan, it combines the concepts of first-failure censoring and progressive censoring to develop a new life test plan. A new approach of analyzing non-normal and censored lifetime data is proposed in this study. The aim of this study is to develop a new hypothesis testing procedure under the Weibull distribution with the progressive firstfailure-censored sampling plan. The new hypothesis testing procedure is a quality performance assessment system in Business Intelligence (BI). The quality performance assessment system is called to progressive first-failure-censored quality performance assessment system. Moreover, program language C# is utilized to develop the quality performance assessment system. The quality performance assessment system not only can promote customer’s service, but also can enhance enterprise’s decision capability in the rapid change of market.
