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篇名 這一頁不用讀?:幼兒與成人共讀對圖畫書近文本的回應與理解
卷期 27:2
並列篇名 Young Children’s Understanding and Response to Picture Book Peritext During Adult-Child Shared Reading
作者 周婉湘
頁次 001-032
關鍵字 近文本視覺素養圖畫書蝴蝶頁讀者反應endpaperperitextpicture bookreader responsevisual literacyTSSCI
出刊日期 201412


本研究的目的為探索幼兒如何看待及解讀台灣圖畫書的近文本設計(peritext)。過去研究發現包括了封面、封底、前後蝴蝶頁、書名頁、版權頁等頁面的近文本,經常有豐富的文學及美學意涵,值得讀者閱讀與詮釋,然而近文本的閱讀在台灣幼兒園裡卻經常被忽略。因此,本研究從195 本得獎台灣圖畫書中,挑選出四本不同類型近文本設計的圖畫書,與十位大班幼兒共讀。每本書與幼兒共讀兩次,一次為一對一,一次為團討。閱讀故事內文前,帶讀者請幼兒根據近文本預測故事,閱讀後則請幼兒幫圖畫書設計新的封面、封底、前後蝴蝶頁等。本研究共收集了四類型的資料,除了上述共讀時的記錄,以及共讀後幼兒的繪畫作品之外,另外也收集家長問卷,了解幼兒家中共讀習慣,以及觀察教師在教室裡朗讀圖畫書的方式。研究發現當成人帶領幼兒瀏覽及討論近文本的內容,並選擇多元類型近文本設計的書籍共讀,多數幼兒開始發展出閱讀近文本的策略,如延續、累加、推翻,或創作延伸的故事。此外,幼兒在閱讀故事後多能將近文本與故事內容連結,例如尋找相同圖像、物品、發生事件、角色的姿勢,或將位於書本前後的近文本納入故事前後的時間軸。整體而言,幼兒能以細膩的觀察和推理填補近文本與正文間未明說的縫隙。


This study explores young Taiwanese children’s understanding and interpretation of the peritext in picture books, which are the pages often overlooked by adults when reading aloud to children. Research has revealed that peritext, such as the cover, endpapers, title page, or copyright page, is often a rich resource for literary and aesthetic interpretation. Ten 5- to 6-year-old children participated in our study and read four Taiwanese picture books with the guidance of a qualified kindergarten teacher. The books were chosen from 195 Taiwanese picture books according to their diverse peritextual designs. Each book was read twice: the first time was one-on-one reading; the second time a group discussion was held with all ten children. The children were asked to predict the story when reading the front matter, and after finishing the book, they were again asked to interpret the meaning of the front and back matter. The children were also asked to create their own front and back covers or endpapers after each reading. The results showed that the children might extend, add, or revise their predictions as they found more and more clues on the front matter. After finishing the story, the children often found connections between the images in the peritext and text, and some created new episodes of the story based on the images on the peritext. The children’s designs also showed their understanding of the meaning and function of the peritext. Finally, pedagogical and research suggestions were made.
