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篇名 台灣女性視障按摩師的職業污名管理
卷期 11:2
並列篇名 The Management of Occupational Stigma of Female Blind Masseuses in Taiwan
作者 呂思嫺林雅容邱大昕
頁次 101-114
關鍵字 女按摩師污名管理情緒勞動Emotional labormasseusesstigma management
出刊日期 201306


本研究以「職業汙名管理」此一概念,呈現女性視障者面對及因應他人對於「按摩」此份工作的貶抑。 研究者採用質性研究之參與觀察與深度訪談蒐集研究資料,以八名女性視障按摩師為研究對象,並且輔以二名男性視障按摩師的工作經驗及感受呈現男女性勞動處境的差異。研究結果分為兩部分討論,首先,女性視障按摩師透過專業認同與擔任情緒勞動兩種策略以管理職業污名。女性視障按摩師以職訓期間學習的學理知識與實作手法區隔視障按摩和色情按摩,同時肯定自身作為專業工作者的角色。第二,女性視障按摩師以從事情緒勞動,協助顧客紓解情緒、提供安慰以及能適當處置工作時自身的負面情緒,作為自我肯定的方式。透過本文中女性視障者管理職業污名的過程,可讓社會大眾知曉視障者不是完全被社會環境或結構所宰制,她們是一群具有與職業污名協商的主體。


We used the concept of stigma management to show how female blind masseuses de-stigmatize massage. The research data was collected via in-depth interviews and participant observations in order to understand participants' management of occupational stigma. Eight masseuses and two masseurs were interviewed. Research finding were divided into two parts. First, the professional identity of masseuses has been discussed and defined. Second, they considered emotional labor as another self-affirmation way, because they could manage customer’s emotion and control their negative self-emotion. Through the process of de-stigmatization, we can understand that masseuses are not absolutely constrained by social structure and environment. They play an active role by negotiating the stigma positively in their daily practice.
