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篇名 倖存作為一種生活:一位血液透析者心理經驗與關照實踐
卷期 11:2
並列篇名 Survival as a Way of Being: Psychological Experience and Care Praxis of a Hemodialysis Patient
作者 李弘毅林耀盛
頁次 115-127
關鍵字 身體情感想像照顧實作Affectbodycareimaginationpraxis
出刊日期 201306




background and objectives: Through case study in this article, it explored self care praxis and psychological experience of the hemodialysis patient. Methods:Using qualitative research which is grounded in phenomenological psychology to observe, analyze and understand how the male participant we called S coped with the ten-year renal dialysis routined challenge. We can find S’s situated structure and particular mode of being through the methodology. Results: Four superordinate themes emerged from the narrative strucures are ’the field between body location and emotional differences’, ‘the distance between medical regime and germinal imagination’, ‘connection between care action and praxis rhetoric’ and ‘affect economy between burnout adaptation and routined work’. Conclusions: In renal dialysis situated structure, it displayed affective priming of uncertainty through the body sense. It brought into the survival way of being. S used rhetorical act to express value and meaning, triggering different lifestyles, especially survival living. Implications from the outcome are discussed.
