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篇名 張仲景傷寒論少陽病的研究
卷期 16:4
並列篇名 Studies on Lesser Yang Disease in Shang-Han Lun by Zhang Zhong-Jing
作者 陳榮洲
頁次 001-016
關鍵字 傷寒論少陽病腦膜炎胸脅膜炎熱入血室Shang-Han LunLesser Yang DiseaseMeningitisChest MeningitisHeat into the Blood Chamber
出刊日期 201412


從解剖學的觀點,傷寒論少陽病的病灶區,包括體腔諸膜層( 胸、膈、脅、腹之壁 膜) 和顱腔的硬腦膜及脊椎的硬脊膜。依醫宗金鑒,少陽病的內容可分腦膜炎、體腔諸 壁膜炎、精神失常、非柴胡證之證例及熱入血室等五項,其中腦膜炎與體腔諸壁膜炎為 研究少陽病的主要課題。
分析傷寒論對腦膜炎的治療,小柴胡湯為治腦膜炎初期的主要方劑;譫妄期併陽明 熱結,以大柴胡湯下之;柴胡桂枝湯主治腦膜炎之病理神經反射;腦膜炎併腦積水後遺 症的治療方法,以小柴胡湯促進免疫或大柴胡湯抑制免疫。體腔諸璧膜炎,典型為胸脅 膜炎,以小柴胡湯為主治方,若合併陽明內實以大柴胡湯主治。少陽病精神失常以柴胡 加龍骨牡蠣湯主治。而熱入血室有刺期門及服湯劑法。


From the view of anatomy, the lesion area of lesser yang disease in Shang-han lun was included thorax, phrenic, rib, abdominal cavity, cranial dura and spinal dura.
According Yi Zong Jin Jian recorded that the contents in lesser yang disease might divide meningitis, the wall of the body cavity meningitis, insanity, non- bupleurum zheng cases and heat into the blood chamber. Among of them, the main study object was meningitis and the wall of the body cavity meningitis.
Analysis of the treatment of meningitis in Shang-han lun, minor bupleurum decoction was a dominant formula in the initial stage of meningitis. In the delirium stage of meningitis complicated with yang-brightness heat binds, the treatment was with major bupleurum decoction precipitated. For presenting patho-neurological reflex, the govern formula was bupleurum and cinnamon twig decoction. The sequel of meningitis with brain edema was treated an enhanced immunity formula of minor bupleurum decoction, or a suppressor immunity formula of major bupleurum decoction. The typical pattern was chest meningitis in the wall of the body cavity meningitis. The govern formula of chest meningitis was minor bupleurum decoction. If the chest meningitis complicated yang-brightness internal repletion, major bupleurum decoction would be governing formula. The treatment of insanity in lesser yang disease, the govern formula was bupleurum decoction plus dragon bone and oyster shell. Acupuncture LV-14 (Cycle Gate) and oral cooking decoction were the treatment method of heat into the blood chamber.
