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篇名 劉完素宣明論方內經六十二病證藥物頻率分析及用藥思想
卷期 16:4
並列篇名 Analysis of Chinese Herbs Used Frequency and Medicinal Thoughts of Nei-Jing Sixty-Two Disease Patterns in Xuan Ming Lun Fang by Liu-Wan-Su
作者 陳貞如陳立德陳榮洲
頁次 017-024
關鍵字 劉完素宣明論方內經六十二病證藥物頻次分析用藥思想Liu Wan-SuXuan Ming Lun FangNei-jing Sixty-Two Disease PatternsAnalysis of Drugs Used FrequencyMedicinal Thoughts
出刊日期 201412




The supplement vacuity and secure the root were the medicinal thoughts in Neijing sixty-two disease patterns originated from Xuan Ming Lun Fang by Liu Wan- Su in Jin-Yuag dynasty. Supplement vacuity was divided supplement qi, supplement the blood, boost qi and constrain yin, warm the center and dissipate cold, warm the channels and expel cold, as well as warm and supplement the life gate. Analysis of drugs commonly used frequency over three times in Zhu Zheng Men from Xuan Ming Lun Fang, chuanxiong was highest used frequency in lung system disease patterns. The medicinal thoughts of Liu’s treated lung system disease patterns was dispel wind and dissipate cold, boost qi and secure the root. For the medicinal thoughts of liver and gallbladder system disease patterns were boost qi, clear heat and disinhibit dampness, and warm free. Among of common drugs, ginseng and poria were highest used frequency. The common drugs of spleen-stomach system disease patterns, white atractylodes, magnolia bark and tangkuei were the highest used frequency. The medicinal thoughts were fortify the spleen and rectify qi, nourish the blood and warm the center. The medicinal thoughts for qi-blood and fluids diseased patterns by Liu’s were govern with boost qi and nourish yin, dispel wind and fortify the spleen, as well as ginseng was the highest used frequency of drug. For treating channel-network and extremities diseased patterns, quilled cinnamon was used frequency highest herb. Warm the channels and dissipate cold, nourish the blood and dispel wind, and disinhibit dampness were the medicinal thoughts of Dr. Liu’s
