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篇名 乳癌潰破反覆發熱中西結合治癒病例報告
卷期 16:4
並列篇名 A Recurring Fever Case of Breast Cancer with Ulceration Remission Treated with Integrated Medicine
作者 林怡如林美儀
頁次 025-036
關鍵字 乳癌潰破發熱加味秦艽鱉甲散Breast Cancer with UlcerationFeverModified CHYN JIAU BIE JEA SAN
出刊日期 201412




The present a 47 years case of left breast cancer with far-infrared ray treated tumor caused breast tumor enlarged, ulceration, and secreting bloody water and foul odor discharge. So she admitted and received examination that pathological report was breast invasive cancer, stage 3 and prepared preoperative chemotherapy. But she suffered from fever and blood routine revealed leukocytosis, anemia and hypo-albuminemia. The patient was administrated blood transfusion, radiation therapy for tumor ulceration to hemostasis, and antibiotic treatment for control infection three months. But the patient fever was persistent and consulted Chinese medicine combined treatment of fever. The diagnosis of Chinese Medicine was yin-blood deficiency and tumor evil invaded which caused toxic hot accumulation. The formulas modified CHYN JIAU BIE JEA SAN with nourishing yin-blood and clearing heat and resolving toxin. The result the patient’s recurring fever was subside to normal and successfully underwent chemotherapy and discharged.
