
教育政策論壇 TSSCI

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篇名 美國教育需求指數運用於我國教育資源分配之探討
卷期 18:1
並列篇名 A Study on the Application of American ENI to Educational Resources Allocation of Taiwan
作者 胡紹謙
頁次 001-032
關鍵字 人力資本教育經費教育資源教育需求指數human capitaleducation expenditureeducational resourceseducational needs indexTSSCI
出刊日期 201502
DOI 10.3966/156082982015021801001


教育需求指數(Educational needs index, ENI)是同時考量教育、經濟與人口之間的關聯性,針對各地區人民受教育的程度、面對經濟的挑戰及人口變化的壓力等多項指標,透過Z分數轉換成為指數的地區性層級研究。2006年美國已建置完成全國各地的ENI,並進行同層級、跨變項指標的比較,它是深具價值的一項政策工具。本文旨在導入ENI的基本概念與實務運用,參酌美國的建構方式,透過文獻分析以瞭解ENI的指標及特性,並運用國內現有的統計資料,試算我國的ENI,且加以分析討論。從我國ENI試算結果發現,高ENI值多集中在北部工商業地區,低ENI值多集中在中南部農業地區,而各地教育需求的主要影響因素為經濟及人口,且我國各地教育需求程度的差距相較於美國各州的落差幅度小。本文認為,發展我國本土性的ENI具有可行性,原因在於ENI立論清晰、具多元指標與實用性;ENI的統計資料較容易取得,沒有計算單位的問題;ENI可運用於我國教育資源分配,做為參考指標或修正指標;ENI能真實呈現城鄉差距、避免單一計畫一體適用的問題,可表現教育資源公平分配的精神,相信對於我國未來教育經費的分配方案能賦予更高的效益。


The Education Needs Index (ENI) is a regional study of educational, economic, and population pressures converted by Z score that influences educational policy and planning at local levels. In 2006, the United States of America established ENI around the country and was able to compare indicators among variables of the same grades. ENI has been a tremendously valuable policy measure in the U.S. This study aims to introduce the basic concepts and practical application of ENI by referring to the method of constructing ENI in the U.S., to understand the indicators and characteristics of ENI through literature analysis, and to create and analyze the ENI of Taiwan by using existing statistical data. Research finding indicates that high ENI value appears in the commercial and industrial areas of northern Taiwan, and low ENI value appears in the agricultural areas of southern Taiwan. The main factors for the educational needs are economy and population. It also shows that the demand gap of educational needs in Taiwan is smaller than that in the U.S. This study argues that developing native ENI is feasible. Firstly, the ENI statistics are easy to obtain, and there is no concern for unit of account. Secondly, ENI can be applied to allocating educational resources and used as an indicator of reference or modification. Thirdly, as ENI reflects the real urban-rural gap, it avoids the problem of “one project fits all”, and it is therefore able to ensure equitable allocation of educational resources. It is believed that native ENI will increase the efficacy of future educational funding allocation.
