
教育政策論壇 TSSCI

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篇名 我國國民中小學教師薪資結構之探討:以級任教師導師費為中心
卷期 18:1
並列篇名 A Constitutional Discussion of Payment Structure of Junior High School and Elementary School Teachers in Taiwan, with Specific Focus on Homeroom Teachers’ Allowance
作者 汪耀文
頁次 139-166
關鍵字 平等原則導師費憲法釋義學薪資結構principle of equalityhomeroom teachers' allowanceconstitutional dogmaticpayment structureTSSCI
出刊日期 201502
DOI 10.3966/156082982015021801005




This study used simulative method to compare the payment structure of junior high school and elementary school teachers who take up additional administrative posts with that of homeroom teachers. Besides, it used Content Analysis to discuss the legalities of homeroom teachers’ allowance and its related problems. Moreover, this study cited the investigating pattern of Grand Justices, Tzong-Li Sheu and Yuh-Shiou Sheu, regarding differing opinion paper of Judicial Yuan Interpretation No. 596, “principle of equality,” in order to test the constitutionality and legality of authorized explanation of Ministry of Education concerning different specification between the payment structure of teachers who take up additional administrative posts and that of homeroom teachers. Lastly, based on its main findings, this study made five suggestions: Legislation on teachers’ payment is urgently needed; all ordinances about teachers’ payment and benefits should be integrated, and they should be integrated based on the recognition that teachers should be distinguished from civil servants; homeroom teachers’ allowance should be considered post allowance, like the allowance of teachers who take up additional administrative posts; homeroom teachers’ allowance, upon its legislation, should be adjusted to the actual financial situation of the government; whenever homeroom teachers are on paid or unpaid leave, their allowance should be handled by their schools’ budgets allocated by the government.
