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篇名 台灣鄉村地區發展的社會資本評量:八個鄉鎮比較研究
卷期 15:2/3
並列篇名 The Measurement of Social Capital in Rural Area of Taiwan: a Comparative Study of Eight Countryside
作者 廖淑容
頁次 175-192
關鍵字 鄉村發展社會資本鄉村研究rural developmentsocial capitalrural studiesScopus
出刊日期 201412




For responding to the global context, many strategies regarding to rural tourism innovation of agricultural productions and urban-rural immigrants drove new economy in rural areas. However, it also caused social impacts in fast changes. This study based on the social capital of the rural tries to explore and compare differences of developments and advantages in selected 8 rural areas of Taiwan by questionnaire interviewing in telephone. It concludes studies of the social capital and proposes five assessments of the social capital to discuss findings and comments of investigations. The result shows there are a considerable degree of social capital in rural and goodness and harmony neighborhood relations presented in common values networks and trust mechanisms of social capital can be verified. By the way, different rural areas will also result differences in social capital accumulation. Furthermore, it finds the women has significantly positive attitude to promote activities and is a key to promote community public affairs.
