
建築與規劃學報 Scopus

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篇名 影響桃園市陂塘土地利用變遷因素之研究
卷期 15:2/3
並列篇名 Study on the Factors Affecting Changes of Land-use Ponds in Taoyuan City
作者 閻克勤蔡宜穎紀思寧
頁次 193-214
關鍵字 土地利用變遷桃園陂塘功能性相關分析迴歸模式Land-use changeTaoyuan pondsCorrelation analysisMultiple regression modelScopus
出刊日期 201412




The Landscape of humanities is a form of space presented by the interaction between humans and the environment, and that its distribution can show the records of human activities on land. The pattern of land use is the displayed results. Ponds in Taiwan are mostly distributed in Taoyuan plateau. The reason is that back then the water diversion for irrigation on plateau agriculture was difficult, and the special landscape was formed as a result of excavation and embankment on land surface. However, as the Taoyuan area shifts toward urban development, the urban expansion plan focusing on land development causes damage to ponds in Taoyuan, and the land use is also changing. According to research, the factors causing the disappearance of ponds include the deterioration of water quality, diminishing of water supply, building sites development and many others. Recent climate change and population migration are also potential reasons. Exploring the causes for the disappearance of ponds and finding the impacting factors can be helpful for environment preservation, ecosystem conservation and the adaptation to climate change. Therefore, this study will collate and analyze the course of development and changes of ponds from the relevant historical documents from past scholars. Based on external driving factors, this study uses correlation coefficient to analyze the correlation between the factors and the changes of ponds area. Regression and factor analysis is performed to establish an empirical model. This is to explore the main driving forces behind the changes in land use of ponds while understanding what causes reduction in pond area and the dimensions impacting each function. The research findings can simulate the development of changes in land use of ponds, used as a reference for pond resource planning and ecological restoration in Taoyuan City in response to climate change.
