
臺灣師大歷史學報 THCI

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篇名 末法佛教的守護者─湛然圓澄《魚兒佛》中觀音信仰之研究
卷期 52
並列篇名 A Guardian of Buddhism in the Age of Dharma Decline: A Study of Zhanr an Yuancheng’s Belief of Guanyin in Yu Er Fo
作者 徐一智
頁次 045-094
關鍵字 晚明湛然圓澄末法救度魚籃觀音觀音信仰Late Ming DynastyZhanran Yuanchengsalvation in the age of Dharma declineYu Lan Guanyinthe belief of GuanyinTHCI
出刊日期 201412
DOI 10.6243/BHR.2014.052.045




This paper purposes to argue that Yuancheng’s belief of Guanyin in Yu Er Fo(The Fish Buddha) was a classic example of regional belief. The dwelling placesof Yuancheng and his fellow Buddhist friends betrayed that their characterizationof the Guanyin belief corresponded to their geographical associations. Theirhousing scattered over areas around the Qiantang River, lakes in and the seashoresof the Zhejiang Province, where were notorious for their fishing and agriculturalindustries. These geographical characteristics affected the Guanyin belief, such asYu Lan (fish basket) Guanyin who was depicted as a figure carries a fish basket inhand and gives helps and guidance to the fishermen. Obviously, the image of YuLan Guanyin was shaped specifically to target the coastal areas near QiantangRiver. Yuancheng creatively used fishing activities and fish basket to exemplify thedoctrines of Guanyin in terms of the proper attitudes toward monks,temples andBuddhist believers. Moreover, Yuancheng employed the Guanyin belief as aconnecting principle to integrate all branches of Buddhist doctrines, advocatingthat the practice of the Guanyin belief could cultivate both blessing and wisdom.Not only would it provide salvation for the believers in the time of Dharma decline,it might also satisfy the earthly interests of the believers and benefit their exerciseof the way of the Pure Land. Above all, Guanyin in Yuancheng’s argument becamea moderator overand a guardian of the Buddhist believers in this malevolent world,who is responsible for judging whether a believer is faithful in his Buddhistpractice. In a word, based on the living experience of the local people,Yuanchengdeveloped his specific Guanyin belief in his Yu Er Fo, in which the regionalcharacteristics of Zhejiang province were mirrored evidently.
