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篇名 銀行業併購與經營績效之關係-並兼論異文化管理之干擾效果
卷期 8特刊
並列篇名 The Relationship between Bank M & A and Business Performance-The Moderating Effect of Cross Culture Management
作者 廖見文陳順發
頁次 089-116
關鍵字 併購經營績效異文化管理merger and acquisitionbusiness performancecross culture management
出刊日期 201412
DOI 10.3966/199553922014120803005




The essence of merger and acquisition is to combine the advantages of two enterprises together to conduct manpower resource integration, organization mission integration and organization culture integration. The purpose is to acquire the synergy of M & A. This research mainly investigates the relationship between the merger and acquisition and business performance in the banking industry and also about the moderating effect of cross culture management. As the result it is found that: (1) there is a positive relationship between the integration of merger and acquisition in the banking industry and its business performance; (2) “cross culture management” will generate a moderating effect on the integration of merger and acquisition in the banking industry and the business performance. (3) the person to be selected for the highest level management after the bank is merged and acquired is the general manager of the acquiring firm (first culture). Persons to be selected for heads of middle level and base level use “the third culture” management system which means executing the “management system of the acquiring firm or the company being acquire depending upon whichever is more advantages” to conduct.
