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篇名 和平文化經營理念與工作滿足之關係兼論異文化管理之中介效果
卷期 8特刊
並列篇名 The Relationship between the Managerial Philosophy of Peace Culture and Job Satisfaction and the Mediating Effect of Cross-Cultural Management
作者 郭鈺涓彭祥溢
頁次 117-130
關鍵字 和平文化管理工作滿足異文化管理managerial philosophy of peace culturejob satisfactioncross-cultural management
出刊日期 201412
DOI 10.3966/199553922014120803006




Following the investigation of job satisfaction by Hoppock (1935), academic scholars have focused on the relationship between job satisfaction of organizational employees and productivity. The managerial philosophy advocated by company leaders is embodied in the company’s managerial system, welfare system, and managerial activities, which subsequently influence employee job satisfaction. Therefore, the enhancement of job satisfaction in the subsidiaries of multinational enterprises (MNE) is intimately correlated with the managerial philosophy embraced by MNE leaders. This study investigated the relationship between managerial philosophy of peace culture and job satisfaction, and explored whether cross-cultural management exerts a mediating effect on the relationship between the level of attention paid to the managerial philosophy of peace culture and job satisfaction. Data were collected through a questionnaire survey conducted on people in charge of American and Japanese MNEs with subsidiaries based in Taiwan and managers who are familiar with the questionnaire items. The results of this study showed that the subsidiaries of Japanese MNEs based in Taiwan value the managerial philosophy of peace culture the most. In addition, the level of employee job satisfaction in Japanese MNE subsidiary companies based in Taiwan was higher than that in American MNE subsidiary companies. According to the research findings, the level of attention paid to the managerial philosophy of peace culture influenced the selection of cross-cultural management models, which ultimately influenced job satisfaction. Therefore, increased emphasis on the managerial philosophy of peace culture and a management system that leans toward a third culture facilitate enhancing job satisfaction. Consequently, this study recommends that leaders in domestic companies and those investing overseas substantially focus on the managerial philosophy of peace culture and integrate this philosophy into various aspects of the crosscultural management system to improve the level of job satisfaction among employees.
