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篇名 新台幣匯率對台灣國際貿易競爭力影響之研究
卷期 8特刊
並列篇名 The Study of the Influences for the New Taiwan Dollar Exchange Rate to the International Trade Competitiveness of Taiwan
作者 林瑞山吳岱樺張睿
頁次 157-180
關鍵字 ARIMA競爭力匯率國際貿易時間序列轉移函數CompetitivenessExchange RateInternational TradeTime SeriesTransfer Function
出刊日期 201412
DOI 10.3966/199553922014120803008




The import and export values of international trade are important data to measure a nation’s economic growth. Taiwan is a small open economy, so it relies heavily on international trade to boost its economy. Thus, the climate of trade will affect Taiwan’s economy deeply. Meanwhile, trade special coefficient (TSC) is one of chief indexes used to analyze a country’s trade competitiveness among the world. However, the impacts of exchange rate volatility will directly cause the fluctuations of a nation’s export and import values. Accordingly, the study aims to explore the relationship and influence between the new Taiwan dollar exchange rates and Taiwan’s competitiveness in international trade. The empirical results show that the exchange rate movements significantly but negatively impact Taiwan’s competitiveness. Using the results, we are able to offer administrative recommendations to the government and relative enterprises, and also evidences to the government, especially when the government tries to adjust the exchange rate to improve the Taiwan’s international trade competitiveness.
