
International Journal of Fuzzy Systems EISCIEScopus

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篇名 Dynamic Similarity Measures between Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets and Its Application
卷期 16:4
作者 Chunqiao TanXiaohong Chen
頁次 511-519
關鍵字 Intuitionistic fuzzy setsimilarity measureintuitionistic fuzzy point operatorpatter recognitionEISCISCIEScopus
出刊日期 201412



Although many measures of similarity between intuitionistic fuzzy set (IFS) have been proposed in the literature, some existing similarity measures are not always effective in some cases. A main reason is that existing similarity measures have not or little considered degree of hesitancy in intuitionistic fuzzy set. In this paper, based on this foundation that the degree of hesitancy in intuitionistic fuzzy set and decision maker’s attitude to indetermination information are taken into account, a dynamic similarity measure is proposed for measuring the degree of similarity between IFSs. To demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed dynamic similarity measures, the existing similarity measures between IFSs are compared with the dynamic similarity measure between IFSs by numerical examples. It is shown that the proposed similarity measures can deal with counter-intuitive cases more effectively and reasonably than some existing methods. Finally, dynamic similarity measure is applied to pattern recognition.

