
International Journal of Fuzzy Systems EISCIEScopus

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篇名 Fuzzy Modeling for Information Security Management Issues in Cloud Computing
卷期 16:4
作者 Grace T. R. LinChih-Chieh LinC. James ChouYen-Chun Lee
頁次 529-540
關鍵字 Cloud computingfuzzy analytic hierarchy process information securitykey success factors EISCISCIEScopus
出刊日期 201412



The purpose of this study was to collect key success factors (KSFs) that determine information security management in cloud computing. Through contemporary literature reviews, we emphasized four major aspects: the external dimension, the internal dimension, the technology dimension, and the execution dimension. We used these dimensions to develop a questionnaire for collecting the responses from experts, and then used the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (Fuzzy AHP) to categorize and analyze these responses. The investigations concluded the six major KFSs: authentication, disclosure prevention, encryption, service model, interface, and customer. Different from previous perceptions, information security management in cloud computing emphasizes factors that are more market-oriented. In addition, we explored several important KSFs, such as service model, interface, and customer criteria. These KSFs differed from the factors commonly regarded in the internet age.

