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篇名 屏東縣滿豐定置漁場大小潮期浪人鰺漁況變動之研究
卷期 29
並列篇名 Study on tidal change and variation analysis of fishing condition of Giant trevally (Caranx ignobilis) at the Mangfong set-net fishing ground in Pingtung County
作者 鄭火元莊詠喻
頁次 001-022
關鍵字 滿豐定置漁場落網類定置網浪人鰺潮況漁況分析Mangfong set-net fisheryOtoshi-ami set-netGiant trevally TideFishing condition analysis
出刊日期 201503




Relationship of tidal change and catch of Giant trevally (Caranx ignobilis) at Mangfong set-net fishing company in the southwestern Taiwan waters (Chuken village, Pingtung County) was studied. Factors, including annual and monthly catch, changes of Catch per unit effort (CPUE) time series, and different body sizes and fishing conditions at spring and neap tides, contributing to the variation of catch in Giant trevally were investigated and analyzed in the set-net fishery. Catch data were sampled from October, 2004 to June, 2012 with a total of 8 years on catch amount and tidal change. Average catch amount was significantly higher in neap tide compared to spring tide duration. Catch amounts were highest in May and June when neap tide as compared to other months in spring tide (p<0.01). Catch amount of Giant trevally in Mangfong set-net fishing company became higher and predominantly large-sized in neap tide duration, especially in May and June.
