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篇名 營造樂麗與活力新漁村-開創漁村社區共有、共治、共享的新產業-
卷期 29
並列篇名 Reconstructing Lohas of New Fishing Community ~rebuilding fishing community industry with “of the people, by the people and for the people”~
作者 鄭火元
頁次 023-042
關鍵字 漁村社區營造生態友善型定置網漁業樂活新漁村Fishing community reconstructionEco-friendly set-net fisheryLOHAS of new fishing community
出刊日期 201503


農、漁村為都市發展的根源。近年來,臺灣漁村面臨沿岸發展破壞、漁業資源枯竭、勞動能力老化、基本生活條件低落、人口外流、漁業經營不易與漁村產業不振等因素影響下,導致漁村發展受到相當程度的限制;政府漁政部門不斷以社區營造為基礎,提出富麗漁村策略,更於2010年8月通過農村再生(含漁村)條例,以社區凝聚向心、由下而上及培力為根本之方式,喚起居民認同,運用轉型、活化的作為讓漁村再生,以重振漁村的活力,振興漁村經濟,再造漁村榮景。 漁村社區總體營造之新方向,必須從教育社區成員開始,採用「以社區為基礎的沿岸漁業資源管理系統(Community Based Coastal Resource Management)來管理沿岸漁業資源。推展符合生態友善、節能環保、兼具資源培育與管理、永續穩定生產的沿岸高附加價值之定置網漁業,其意義在於促使沿岸社區居民能針對賴以為生的漁業資源,建立管理決策的模式,與漁村居民共同整合沿岸漁業與休閒資源。在優質生活、責任生產、永續生態基礎下,以漁村社區「共有、共治、共享」之管理新思維,營造未來新一代樂麗與活力之新漁村。


Rural and fishing village are resources of urbanization. Recently the fishing village has faced coastal fisheries resource depletion, fishery management difficult situation, influence of the population outflow, aging of the labors, and the development of the fishing village in a considerable degree of restriction in Taiwan. A great demand for the use of transition activation is needed for a fishing village regeneration to revitalize fishing village vitality, and promoting community economic development by government incubation project named “Rural regeneration” in 2010. Education to residents of fishing village is very important for new orientation of regeneration on fishing village community. Community based coastal resource management (CB-CRM) system is available for coastal fishery resources management. New fishing community with lifestyles of health and sustainability (LOHAS) would be accomplished according with developing coastal high added values set-net fishery, including eco-friendly, energy-saving and conservation, fishery resource cultivation and management, sustainable production. It is useful for residents to establish management and strategic model. To integrate coastal fishery and recreational resources based on superior livelihood, responsible production and sustainable ecology, lead to “of the people, by the people and for the people”.
