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篇名 從海運相關企業主管觀點探討大學畢業生就業力
卷期 29
並列篇名 Investigating the graduates’ employability skills from the perspectives of shipping industry managers
作者 呂錦隆陳妍妤
頁次 067-088
關鍵字 就業力海運相關企業因素分析大學畢業生Employability skillsshipping industry firmsfactor analysisgraduates
出刊日期 201503




This study used mail-back questionnaire survey to collect the perceptions on graduates’ employability skills from managers of shipping industries. Six employability skills were identified using factor analysis. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was further applied to test if managers’ perceptions of employability skills differed among different backgrounds of managers, different industries managers worked in, and different firm sizes. The findings indicated that certain of employability were received different perceptions from various backgrounds of managers. One of the implications for business firms and universities is that the two should interact frequently and minimize the gap between the training employability for students and the man-power needs of industry. Further, the students should learn what good attitude toward work is and follow the latest trend of international business to enhance their employability skills.
