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篇名 海事學生英語學習態度、策略與動機之研究
卷期 29
並列篇名 A study on the Relationship of Marine Students’ English Learning Attitudes, Strategies, and Motivations
作者 吳若己
頁次 113-132
關鍵字 海事學生英文教育態度策略動機Marine StudentsEnglish EducationAttitudes, StrategiesMotivations
出刊日期 201503




The English Education has currently become a prominent issue in Maritime education in Taiwan. To define the developmental goals for marine education policy in Taiwan, the Ministry of Education has drafted the White Paper on Marine Education Polices in 2007. This White Paper has highlighted the aspects of improvement of entry-level professionals in the marine industry. English is a key factor in improving the quality of high-level professionals for the marine industry. Therefore, the researches on marine students’ English learning behaviors and the related issues are needed. Although language education researchers have indicated the need to examine the language learners’ attitudes, strategies and motivations, the relationship between these three has only just begun to be addressed by researchers. Therefore, in order to investigate the influences of motivations on attitudes and strategies and the influences of attitudes and strategies during English learning process, a structural equation modeling approach was applied in this study. This study provided the results of the confirmatory factor analysis of motivation, attitude and strategy in learning English, and the opportunities to examine six hypotheses and 27 sub- hypotheses. The results supported the hypothesis model and the most of proposed paths were significant. Information of these issues should be helpful in understanding marine students’ English learning attitudes, strategies, and motivations.
