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篇名 從媽祖生平傳說故事探論媽祖信仰之宗教屬性
卷期 29
並列篇名 Ma Zu Shengping legends from the probe on the Mazu belief of religious property
作者 楊淑雅
頁次 165-173
關鍵字 媽祖媽祖生平傳說媽祖信仰宗教屬性Ma ZuMa Zu biography fableMa Zu believesReligious attribute
出刊日期 201503




Ma zu was originally a woman with a magical ability of the local, because of her rescue and other peoples and countries continue to show efficacious deeds and spread, Ma zu belief folk naturally formed. But Ma zu belief no fixed doctrine, no proprietary teaching instruments, even without Mission, so some will be virtually religion into their religious deity Matsu. The Ma zu belief should belong to what religion it? There is no paper devoted, Therefore this article attempts from the Ma Zu biography fable story content characteristic, discusses Ma Zu to believe the religious attribute.
