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篇名 創辦新教育:試論震旦學院創立的歷史意義
卷期 12
並列篇名 Establishing New Education: A Study of Aurora University 震旦學院 (1903-1905)
作者 蔡祝青
頁次 373-424
關鍵字 馬相伯馬建忠梁啟超耶穌會拉丁文震旦學院Ma Xiangbo 馬相伯Ma Jianzhong 馬建忠Liang Qichao 梁啟超Society of JesusLatinAurora University 震旦學院THCI
出刊日期 201412


中國本無「大學」(University)學制,自1840 年中英鴉片戰爭 爆發以來,西方列強秉著船堅炮利的勢力大舉入侵,在聲光化電等西 學的刺激下,中國終有學習西學之舉,透過開設新式學堂以教育西學 新知也成為識者積極運用的手段,尤其在1905 年慈禧太后(1835- 1908)明令廢除傳統科舉制度之後,新式學堂與大學機構的設立更積 極扮演新一代知識份子接受現代教育與獲取學位認證的角色,新式教 育也慢慢成為現代知識生產的重要場域。 本文將以與天主教密切相關的震旦學院於1903 年的開辦過程為 例,一方面梳理創辦人馬相伯(1840-1939)的個人身分認同與天主 教耶穌會教育制度如何對震旦學院產生影響;二方面則就該校的教育 理念與實踐予以發揮討論,盼能標舉出震旦學院在二十世紀初中國設 立的歷史意義。


The “university” did not exist in the traditional Chinese educational system. After losing the Opium War in 1840, China realized that one possible way to protect itself from future invasion was to promote the study of western knowledge. Therefore, the establishment of new types of educational institutions became an important part of China’s policy. In this article, I investigate the establishment of Aurora University 震旦學 院 in 1903 by Ma Xiangbo 馬相伯, who received a doctorate in Sacred Theology from Shanghai’s Society of Jesus in 1870, and examine how the new educational system fulfilled Ma’s ideals. First, I analyze the influence that Ma’s Catholic education exerted not only on the formation of Aurora University, but also on Ma’s own complex identity, which bridged the sacred and the secular, as well as western and eastern cultures. Second, I discuss the educational ideals and practices at Aurora in order to elucidate its historical significance in early 20th century China.
