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篇名 五專護生臨床實習前預期性焦慮與因應策略
卷期 26:1=89
並列篇名 The Anticipatory Anxiety and Coping Strategies of Nursing Students before Clinical Practice
作者 張瓊珠林宜美
頁次 001-012
關鍵字 護生實習預期性焦慮焦點團體因應策略nursing studentsclinical practiceanticipatory anxietyfocus groupcoping strategies
出刊日期 201503
DOI 10.3966/102673012015032601001


背景:臨床實習是護理養成教育的重要課程,國外研究發現護理科學生(簡稱護生)實習前經常出現預期性焦慮,影響實習之心理適應與學習效能,本研究目的探討五專護生臨床實習前預期性焦慮的原因與因應策略。方法:以質性研究設計,採立意取樣,邀請21位南部某醫護管理專科學校五專護生參與研究,於實習前一個月進行焦點團體訪談,採內容分析法分析逐字稿資料。結果:護生臨床實習前之預期性焦慮的原因由三個主要主題與六個次要主題所構成,分別為:(1) 初次實習角色:協助者、學習者;(2) 課室與臨床差距:模型病人與真實病人的差異、課室作業與實習作業的不同;與(3) 臨床指導者的態度:嚴肅不苟言笑、不關懷。護生針對預期性焦慮所採取的因應策略包括四個向度:問題導向因應投入型、問題導向因應逃避型、情緒導向因應投入型,與情緒導向因應逃避型。結論:本研究結果可提供護理教育者,瞭解護生面臨實習前預期性焦慮的原因,以協助護生增進問題解決與情緒管理之因應策略,增加心理適應與學習效能。


Background: Clinical practice is an important component of nursing education. Previous studies found that nursing students experienced an anticipatory anxiety before clinical practice, influencing psychological adaptation and learning efficiency during clinical practice. The purpose of this study was to explore the reasons of anticipatory anxiety and coping strategies before clinical practice for nursing students. Methods: This study used a qualitative research design. Twenty-one nursing students of a nursing college in the south of Taiwan participated this study. The focus group interviews were administered one month before clinical practice. The verbatim transcription was analyzed by content analysis. Results: The anticipatory anxiety of nursing students before clinical practice included three themes and six sub-themes: (1) the role for the first clinical practice: an assistant or a learner; (2) the differences between classroom and hospital: difference between simulated patients and real patients, difference between homework and clinical reports; and (3) the attitudes of clinical supervisors: serious or inconsiderate. The coping strategies included four dimensions: problem focused coping-approach, problem focused coping-avoidance, emotional focused coping-approach, and emotional focused copingavoidance. Conclusions: The results of this study will be offered to the nursing educators to help nursing students explore the reasons of their anticipatory anxiety before clinical practice, improve coping strategies of problem-solving and emotional management, and increase psychological adaptation and learning efficiency.
