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篇名 控制觀之概念分析
卷期 26:1=89
並列篇名 Locus of Control: A Concept Analysis
作者 施孟綾柯雅婷林淑媛
頁次 023-028
關鍵字 控制觀概念分析護理locus of controlconcept analysisnursing
出刊日期 201503
DOI 10.3966/102673012015032601003




Health education is the most convenient method to promote patients’ health awareness, but it is not always effective. Reviewing the literature, we found that locus of control makes the major differences. Developed by social learning theorists, locus of control represents how the patients’ believes from their expectation and past experience affect their behaviors and the consequence. Appling the Walker and Avant’s method, we defined locus of control and listed its characteristics as follows: (1) Locus of control is one of the person’s attributing beliefs. (2) It is not only based on the past experience but also intensified by the expectation. (3) Locus of control can become a part of a person’s personality. (4) The behaviors and consequence are influenced by locus of control. Moreover, the model case, the borderline case, the related case, and the contrary case were discussed. Since health beliefs have great effect on patients’ behaviors, the article is expected to provide the health care providers with a better understanding of locus of control. By the unique health education program developed from locus of control, the goals that focus on disease controlling and health promotion will be achieved.
